October 2021–16 Conclusions

Now Bothered
6 min readOct 31, 2021
  1. October has been a good month overall. Definitely much better than the sloppy September. I firmed up in a couple of places, had honest, difficult conversations and made a number of important decisions.
  2. The month started and went on to involve a couple of weddings. Or let me say a wedding — but a wedding that I attended 3 of the 4 events. It was interesting to see new love being celebrated and also fascinating observing a lot of the social dynamics. I left those events excited and having enjoyed myself, but I also learnt a lot and was motivated by them.
  3. October was mixed for me and my friends. I caught up with a couple of them, but I didn’t get the chance to catch up with some others. I’m now starting to think that the social cost of staying on the mainland is not worth the benefits. I’m eager now, more than ever to build a community with my friends. It’s interesting how this desire merges with all our desires to leave Nigeria. Social capital should always be a consideration of location/destination. Maybe not definitive, but certainly important.
  4. I spent 4 days at IITA in Ibadan during the month for a special celebration and the experience was certainly very good for me. And that’s on many different levels. The ambience, tranquility, sense of general security, a confidence that most things worked as they should be, without me having to be responsible for any of those things :D :D :D all those things were to feel. It was also where I had some of those difficult but important conversations. I was able to be honest and fair and I let go of a lot of fear. You gain knowledge when you lose fear. IITA was aa good time with my best friend.
  5. I was also at the Lekki Conservation Center during the month and boy, did I have to conquer some of my fears again. I wouldn’t say I conquered the fear, but I was able to muster enough courage and concentration to do the canopy walk. And it may seem like I’m using many words to describe a canopy walk that many people have experienced before, and I may even be persuaded to do the walk again, but in those first moments when I had to confront the heights, omoh! It was more than slightly scary. At the end though, it was a lovely time out with family.
  6. See all the time out I had? Weddings, IITA, Lekki Conservation, etc.. so when did I have time to read? I’m not sure how to answer that question either. But I think it was still better than I did in September, so some improvement there. Honestly though, I tried to spend a minimum of two hours per day in the evenings watching study videos and covering the syllabus. Later in the month though, I found out the exam date had to be +/- 3 months my intended date test. And I had just a few days to make payments and complete my registration. I chose to move my exam date forward, so no more “going out” Looool.! Yeah. Study time had been increased to a minimum of 3 hours per day — 7 days a week. My PS4 has also been loaned out so I think November will see a lot more concentration
  7. One last place I went to was Bature Brewery. It was my former line manager’s send forth and that experience just helped reinforce that I had made the right decision to leave when I did. I probably said too much — I didn’t lie. The environment was, and continues to be toxic — but its good to know that most of “my people” are out of there. There’s just one more person now. Or two.
  8. Work was good in October. Much higher pace than September. At some point in the month, I actually got frustrated. It was the first time I really felt this emotion. I was also anxious about having to resume working physically again but I think God heard me and had them shift the date by a week. I think some of the frustration is actually just confusion, and that’s fine. It will be worked through. That’s what happens when you work on new things. And working on new things is good.
  9. I drove quite a bit in October. In addition to the now customary Lagos — Ibn, I also drove to and from Abeokuta. The roads were much better this time and there was no traffic. It was fun. I actually do like driving, and driving fast. That’s an interesting fact about me. The wear an tear on my car isn’t also fun when you consider how much I like the car being in top shape. This month, I also said bye to the small car of our house, the Kia. Should’a sold it a long time ago.
  10. I took the second dose of the Moderna vaccine during the month and yo! It knocked me out for a few hours. I actually think I felt worse than when I actually had Covid. I’m still not very comfortable with taking the vaccines and I do believe that there’s some greater agenda behind a lot of things that are happening in the world, but I know that whatever happens, I will be fine. Also, Sweden and a couple of other countries have directed that the Moderna vaccine should no longer be administered to people under 30 but nothing like that from any African government. No consideration for what these vaccines could do to different age ranges, etc.
  11. My October fitness goal was to close all my activity rings 14 times in the month. After a strong start, things got a bit wobbly and I wasn’t too consistent. I was able to complete the goal for the month though, with a couple of days to spare too. There were more days when I walked than when I ran, but the good thing is that I kept going out. I kept showing up. For me, that’s what’s important. When I’m studying and I want to quit cos I don’t quite understand what I’m watching, or I’m distracted, I remember how I keep going when I’m running. Just one foot in front of the other one.
  1. In October, I essentially worked with the thought that Balance is key. I worked as much as much as I played, and when I think about dreading having to resume back at the office, what I’m really scared of is not being able to take those 30 mins power naps I used to have at home. I watched a couple of good movies and saw quite a few episodes of The Office most nights. I played FIFA — but never for more than 21 hours a week. I didn’t listen to a lot of new music though. I think I’ll be changing that next month. I went to the beach during the month, I had fun as much as I was serious. And that’s good to know. I can’t wait to do it again.
  2. Spirituality in October was hot and cold. While it got much better as the month ended, most of the month was spent in expectant exasperation. I still have faith though, I know all things are working for my good and everyone has to continue to work out their faith and their salvation. Daily. I think I have however found ministries that I will continue to listen to no matter what season I’m in.
  3. Good news! My dad’s biopsy came back and there’s no cancer! All glory be to God! That’s one of my million little miracles. That man has survived lymphoma three times and had Covid at the start of this year, at 71. Money can’t buy good health and the positive memories that it allows you create with your loved ones. And for that, I’m extremely grateful. I’m confident that that’s the last we’ll ever see of it and the healing of God is perfect is his life.
  4. I’m taking a “substance” break in November, and possibly till the Christmas holidays. I know myself more than anyone and I think it’s good to take a break now.
  5. Final conclusion! Phew! This has been a bit difficult to write since point 11. I didn’t know what to write to get here. Anyway, I think November will be very busy, boring, but productive. I think it will help me move in the right direction in terms of my future and what I desire it to be. I may not have a lot of time for fun, distractions and even family and friends but when the success comes, it’ll be worth it. And time is relative, it’s a construct, there’s plenty of it to make.

